The mobile sand martin wall offers nesting opportunities for sand martins. This wall is 3.75 meters long, 1.50 meters deep and 2.30 meters high. A maximum of 51 nest boxes can be placed in it. This mobile sand martin wall is constructed from a beamed wooden skeleton covered with 18 mm waterproof concrete plywood. The sawn edges of the concrete plywood parts are finished with an edge sealer. The entire outer wall is finished with rough stucco to give the wall a sandy appearance. The roof is covered with EPDM rubber.
The wall can be opened through the door at the rear. This door is equipped with 2 ‘slides’ and a standard lock.
A rack has been built in the wall on which the 51 nest boxes will be placed. These nest boxes are supplied separately. At the rear, these are easy to open so that you have access to the nesting area. Checking the nest boxes should of course be kept to a minimum to prevent disturbance of the swallows! Before use, the supplied cardboard corner pieces can be placed on the bottom of the nest box so that any sand and nesting material remains in place better during opening.
The wall can be placed or moved under your own management. If desired, Vivara Pro can also make an offer for this. An ideal location for this wall is on the banks of, for example, a large pond, lake or river, right on the water’s edge. To prevent predation of the nests, it is recommended to place the wall on concrete piles with a beam layer that rise about 60 cm above ground level. It is also possible to place the wall directly on posts (or sleepers). With this option it is wise to place a live wire around the wall so that no predation takes place. The great advantage of the wall is that it can be put in place with a crane, and can be used again at other locations in subsequent seasons.
The wall, including the construction on which it is placed, is checked annually for quality and stability. The nest boxes themselves require little maintenance; annually (winter) remove old nests and other remains, and sprinkle a new pile of sand in the breeding room. Price on request.
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